On 30 July 2015, Faisal, 18 months old, is treated for severe acute malnutrition at Sabeen hospital in Yemen’s capital Sana’a. Haitham Faisal is 18 months old. The mother says he was born a healthy bouncing baby weighing 2.7 kilos. He then rose to 12 kilos at 1 year but now he weighs a miserable 5 kilos. His weighed has wasted away revealing bones in his bare ribs. He was admitted at Al-Sabeen Hospital 45 days ago. His mother had braved a two days journey to reach him here from Al-Saddah village. In peace times, it would be a journey of 3-4 hours by bus. His problem had started 3 months ago. He lost his appetite and then started vomiting. The mother says she couldn’t afford enough food and decided to sell her only piece of land to provide for Faisal and his two other siblings.
The mother took Faisal to health centre in a nearby village where he was admitted for two weeks and treated for malnutrition. Faisal was discharged but after few weeks, he started vomiting again. This time he also had diarhoea and his couldn’t eat. He developed sores on the throat and started bleeding. That’s when his mother decided to bring him to Al-Sabeen hospital where he is receiving treatment. “I would sell everything I have to ensure my children’s wellbeing, what really disturbs me is how difficult it has become to get proper medical treatment. The hospitals are no longer what they used to be. The war has made all things worse, everything got more expensive, nowhere is safe even here at the hospital as it’s near a military based. I just hope that my son gets better soon so I can return home to my children.”
اليمن – أعلن رئيس منظمة “كير إنترناشونال” غير الحكومية أن الأزمة الإنسانية في #اليمن تشكل “عاراً على الإنسانية”.
وقال إن استمرار المواجهات منذ أكثر من عامين بين قوات الشرعية وميليشيات الانقلابيين تسببت في مقتل آلاف المدنيين ونزوح الملايين منهم.
كما ذكر أن العديد من المناطق في اليمن أصبحت على حافة المجاعة و60% من المناطق تعاني انعدام الأمن الغذائي، فيما لا تصل مياه الشرب إلى أكثر من نصف السكان في البلاد.